Books by Amma's Devotees

Amma Is Love

Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) not only understands love but she is the most brilliant manifestation of love the world has ever seen.  She says her religion is love; she is love incarnate.  Yet few of us have any knowledge as to how we might practice love.  There is no understanding as to what it means to grow and cultivate love in our own hearts on a day by day basis.

Love is the only Truth that makes life meaningful.  Life without love is death.  This book is an exploration of Amma's voluminous teachings on how to practice love.  The cultivation of love requires much effort because the ego will oppose it at every turn.  This is because God is love and love means the end of our egos.  Each day we can practice love – love for the Divine, love for all the beings in the universe and the universe as a whole.  We can feel love - deeply - with our whole being!  This is the simplest, most effective and most powerful path to eternal bliss.