Amritavarsham 50

The DVD vividly captures a selection of the many significant programs and events which took place over the unforgettable four-day celebrations for Amma's 50th birthday in 2003. With the delegates and representatives from 191 Nations, and waters collected from the sacred rivers of those countries and with various artistic performances from all continents, Amritavarsham 50 was a genuine confluence of nations, religions and cultures. In this DVD each day is given its own segment, from the opening flag-raising ceremony to the closing moments of the program. Relive, or experience for the first time, the many memorable aspects of this event, including the interfaith summit, the women's summit, the CEO summit and the youth summit, the parade of nations and the blessing of waters gathered from around the world. Enjoy the wide variety of both Indian and international cultural performances including the Pan African Ensemble, the Aboriginal dancers from Australia and Native American dancers from the USA. This DVD gives the flavor of the celebration that was Amritavarsham50.

Collections: All, Devotee Offerings, DVDs